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Finland Tennis Ball Cricket - Helsinki Premier League 2019- Registration Info

Written By Admin on Saturday, June 1, 2019 | Saturday, June 01, 2019

Helsinki Premier League 2019

Facebook Event Link

Entry fee: €250, Deadline for payment 28th June.

Maximum 6 teams
JULY 13,  & JULY 20
Hard-TennisBall League.

Game format: League 15 overs-11 players,
Semi & Final: 20 overs - 11 players
Date: League (JULY 13)
Semis & Finals (JULY 20)
Time: 7:30 am - 21:00pm
Venue: Herttoniemen Liikuntapuisto(Siilitie 12, 00800 Helsinki)
Organizer: Nepal Cricket Club ry, Finland- Everest8848 CC


Nepal Cricket Club Ry - E8848 invites all cricket team in Finland for their participation in the second edition of Helsinki Premier League. The tournament includes league stage & knockout stage. Each team will play a minimum of two games during the league stage.
The tournament is played with a hard tennis ball. The best teams from the league stage proceed to the knockout stage. Registration is solely based on first come first service. We can accommodate a maximum of 6 teams.
Note: We urge all participating teams to play with safety and use appropriate equipment. Organizer are not liable for any injuries during the tournament. The organizer provides the first aid for minor injuries. We strongly recommend players to get H License with insurance via FCA which is valid for a year.


  • It is a two day Cricket tournament. League Stage (15 Overs) is played on July 13th  while knock out stage (Semis & Final, 20 Overs) on 20th July, 2019.
  • Teams are divided into  groups. Each team plays a minimum of two games during the league stage. Check the preliminary tie-sheet at the bottom of this post.
  • Free snacks and juice are provided to all participating players.
  • The game is played with a Hard-tennis ball.
  • Please submit your player’s name and officials by 30th June 2019 provided that you have registered for the tournament and have paid the entry fee. 


  • Scoring is done via a third party application CRICHQ
  • Awards, Net run rate, Most valuable player , Man of the Match etc are analyzed automatically by the app and will be the sole method for deciding qualifying teams, however umpires and scorers will decide MoM and other awards. 
  • The scorecard, match details and prize distribution ceremony are made available in the event official web page www.cric8848.com


The entry fee (€250) must be paid to the club’s account by 28th June 2019 using the information as mentioned below:
    Amount: €250
    Account name: Nepal Cricket Club ry
    Account number: FI87 1745 3000 1791 03
    Reference number: 3405
    Bank: Nordea Bank, Finland


  • Winner: Trophy & Medals 
  • Runner up: Trophy & Medals
  • Most Valuable Player (Trophy)
  • Fair play/ Disciplined Team award (Trophy)
  • Best Batsman (Most Runs)
  • Best Bowler (Trophy-Most Wickets)
  • Best Fielder(Trophy)
  • Best wicket keeper (Trophy)
  • Man of the Match in every game: Trophy
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Interesting prizes to spectators also, will reveal 72 hours or a week prior to Tournament day!!!!!!! 


  1. Participating teams are recommend to have players with H or A SuomiSport License. We can assist you in getting SuomiSport license.
  2. A maximum of 11 players should field in an inning.  If a team fails to field at-least 8 players during the game, the match will be forfeited and the opponent team will be declared winner. Maximum 2 players outside fielding restriction area during Powerplay and a Maximum 5 players allowed on  onside throughout the game . The new batsmen should enter the ground within 90 secs after dismissal of wicket. 20 minutes inning break. 
  3. A total of 15 names should be submitted to the organizer no later than 30th June.  15 medals will be distributed in the prize ceremony for winner and runner ups each. You can add as many members as you can in your CricHQ team profile.  A player can play only from 1 club throughout the league , if found guilty at any stage the team will  be declared looser and will miss the remaining matches. 
  4. Powerplay; League Round 15 overs (Over 1 -4)  Knock-out 20 overs (Over 1-6).
  5. DressCode: A proper sporting outfit is allowed. No jeans and converse in the ground.
  6. Smoking is strictly prohibited during innings break and within 50 m radius of the ground or scoring premises. A separate area will be sorted out for the smokers where you are allowed to smoke when you are not playing.
  7. Discipline and sporting spirit are highly practiced throughout the tournament. In case of an improper aggression or misconduct, a first warning is issued by the on-field umpires while the second instance of similar mis-conduct will result in awarding 5 runs to the opponent team. 
  8. Serious mis-conduct might result in awarding 5 runs without a warning by on-field umpires.
  9. Bowlers are allowed to bowl a maximum of 3 overs during league stage (15 Overs) and 4 overs during knockout stage (20 Overs). 
  10. Wide/No ball costs 1 run and is re-bowled.
  11. The ball that is pitched or edged outside of the mat is deemed as a no ball and costs 1 run. No free hit is awarded.
  12. All no balls except of the mat yields free-hit, 2 beamers will eliminate a bowler's chance to bowl further in the running game.
  13. Umpire decision is the last decision. Discussions with umpire are strictly prohibited. 
  14. The rules of LBW apply with an exception that is the first LBW case is given as 1st Warning while the second case makes the batsman out.
  15. The standard cricketing rules are applied.
  16. Under disputes or on any misconduct, organizing committee decision is the last decision.
  17. Umpires explain further rules on game day.
  18. Jerk bowling is strictly prohibited. Batsman is allowed to complain jerk bowling. After receiving the complain, the umpire panel and the on-field umpires will decide and deem it a legal or illegal delivery. The first identified jerk ball is deemed as a no ball while the second identified jerk will forfeit the bowler from bowling through out the tournament. Another bowler has to complete the over in question.

Tie-sheet (6 Teams): Helsinki Premier League 2019

Tournament Contact:

For further information about the tournament please contact the following members:
  • Krishna Chhetri (everest8848cc@gmail.com)
  • Arun Basnet 0442718515
  • Sachindra Rimal 0442721547
  • Deepak KC 0442784055
    You can also contact any of our club members about the tournament info & registration.


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